TikTok in US Corporations

Who successfully positions
their brand on social media?


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TikTok as a Social Media
Platform in Corporate Contexts

New UNICEPTA impulse explores how well Dow Jones 30 Industrial Index-corporations have incorporated
one of the world's largest social media platforms into their communication strategy



Which DOW Jones 30-listed companies are already leveraging TikTok for corporate communications?



How are they engaging with their target audiences on the social media platform?



Where is room for improvement and what content resonates well with audiences?

Discover how Dow Jones-companies are embracing TikTok! Our exclusive report offers exciting insights into the use of this dynamic platform by leading American companies such as Disney, Nike or American Express.

What content resonates particularly well with target groups on TikTok? Find out why some corporations are focusing on product communication and employer branding and how they are successfully addressing their stakeholders.

Who has built up the largest community and which brands are setting standards? Download our exclusive impulse now and find out how leading corporations are using TikTok to their advantage as we dive deep into the strategies and best practices that could help transform your own communications strategy.

This impulse provides valuable insights for communicators and decision-makers:

  • Leading brand strategies: Learn how companies like Disney, Nike, and Cisco successfully position their brand messages on TikTok.
  • User behavior and trends: Discover why themed channels dominate the classic product communication approach and how this strategy can benefit your company.
  • USA vs. Germany comparison: Understand the differences in social media communication between U.S. and German companies and how you can leverage these insights for your own campaigns.

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